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n.1.(Min.) An oxide of zinc which collects on the sides of furnaces where zinc is sublimed. Formerly applied to the mineral calamine.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Cadmium was first identified in 1817 as a byproduct of zinc refining, and its name comes from the Latin word for zinc ore, cadmia. However, it is rare, and there was no production of the oxide to speak of until 1840.
4 4 Swinglea Swinglea glutinosa Murray 2 2 4 Guayabo Psidium guajava Radd 1 2 3 Guayacan Tabebuia chrysantha Blake 3 3 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Wit 2 1 3 Carbonero Calliandra angustidens Britton & Killip 1 1 2 Cadmia Canangium odorata King 1 1 (1,7) Gualanday Jacaranda caucana Pittier 1 1 (1,7) Guasimo Guazuma ulmifolia Lamarck 1 1 Mango Mangifera indica Linneo 1 1 Yarumo Cecropia sp.