Bristol stone

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rock crystal, or brilliant crystals of quartz, found in the mountain limestone near Bristol, and used in making ornaments, vases, etc. When polished, it is called Bristol diamond.

See also: Bristol

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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If, therefore, my dear friend, you have generosity enough to pardon the presumptuous attempt, to frame for myself a minstrel coronet, partly out of the pearls of pure antiquity, and partly from the Bristol stones and paste, with which I have endeavoured to imitate them, I am convinced your opinion of the difficulty of the task will reconcile you to the imperfect manner of its execution.
The students selected EP Henry's Bristol Stone I & II slate top pavers in Sonoran; Cast Stone Wall in Breckenridge with DevonStone capping; and, Fire Pit Kit in Dakota Blend with DevonStone capping.

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