Brazilian capital

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Related to Brazilian capital: Capital cities
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Noun1.Brazilian capital - the capital of BrazilBrazilian capital - the capital of Brazil; a city built on the central plateau and inaugurated in 1960
Brasil, Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil - the largest Latin American country and the largest Portuguese speaking country in the world; located in the central and northeastern part of South America; world's leading coffee exporter
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For business travellers, popular connections will include; the Brazilian capital Brasilia, world famous Rio de Janeiro and industrial hub Curitiba.
Amazon nations, excluding Venezuela, will meet in September "to come up with our own unified strategy for preserving the environment, and also for exploration sustainable in our region," Mr Bolsonaro said after meeting Chilean president Sebastian Pinera in Brazilian capital Brasilia.
A heavy pall of smoke hangs over the Brazilian capital of Sao Paolo where 2,500 kilometres away, thousands of illegal fires are destroying vast tracts of the Amazon forest.
He said after meeting in the Brazilian capital with US Secretary of Commerce Wilber Ross that the US is keen to make a deal and be able to sell more goods to Brazil, including ethanol.
Early in June, Iranian Ambassador to Brasilia Seyed Ali Saqqayeean and Vice President of Brazil Hamilton MourEuo in a meeting in the Brazilian capital city, exchanged views on ways to broaden bilateral relations between the two countries.
p And a week after that, they all went to Brazilian capital Brasilia, where the star - said to fancy a career in politics - joined the centre-right Brazilian Republican Party.
And a week after that, they went with him to Brazilian capital Brasilia, where the star - said to fancy a career in politics, like footie pal Romario - joined the centre-right Brazilian Republican Party.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said as he met with Pompeo in the Brazilian capital that he planned to discuss how to intensify intelligence and operations cooperation in Syria and elsewhere to block Iranian "aggression." with agencies
"We have a lot to discuss," said Netanyahu, who like Pompeo was in the Brazilian capital for the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro as Brazil's new president.
Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez held a meeting in the Brazilian capital on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Reuters said.
"The Prophecy of Brasilia" is a collection of poems on the major landmarks of the Brazilian capital, key people associated with the city and its flora and fauna.

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