Braxton Hicks contractions

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Braxton Hicks contractions

(ˈbrækstən ˈhɪks)
pl n
(Medicine) painless intermittent contractions of the womb that occur in pregnancy, becoming stronger towards full term
[C19: named after J. Braxton Hicks (1823–97), British obstetrician]
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Twin pregnancies are considered high risk, but Sinconis's pregnancy had been uneventful until she started having what she assumed were Braxton Hicks contractions, which can occur weeks in advance of delivery as the uterus primes itself for labor.
BRAXTON HICKS CONTRACTIONS | Infrequent, they occur every five to 10 minutes a few times a day Not constant, don't last longer than a few seconds Severity depends on activity levels as the contractions stop when you slow down, sit down or change position Usually quite weak or strong in the beginning, getting weaker with time Felt mostly in the lower abdomen LABOUR CONTRACTIONS | Occur more regularly, usually two to three minutes apart Each one tends to last for about 30 to 90 seconds Remain consistent regardless of your activity level and position Cause a sharp pain | May begin in the abdomen, then moving toward the lower back or vice versa