

a.1.Like a blush; having the color of a blush; rosy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
I didn't feel blushy or quakey, but quite cool and only a little excited.
Each page of this ten screen storybook features a playful (non-scary) monster with names like Blushy, Toothy, Golly, Taily, Blobby, Growly and Snouty.
So the soldier reached for the first aid box and sprinkled on the penis--from a bottle like a perfume flask a blushy white liquid that covered it from every side.
If she paints a blushy tint it's mostly kept for solitary
[beta]-Blockers "will sometimes make a patient who is 'flushy' and 'blushy' and a little bit agitated have less flushing and blushing, but it's not as magical as you'd hope," he remarked at the conference, sponsored by the Center for Bio-Medical Communication Inc.
[beta]-Blockers "will sometime make a patient who is 'rushy' and 'blushy' and a little bit agitated have less flushing and blushing, but it's not as magical as you'd hope," he remarked.
The other day in rehearsal I did get a little blushy. I also got a little..."