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In the New Testament, a town on the Sea of Galilee's northeast shore, visited by Jesus during his ministry.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a ruined town in N Israel, near the N shore of the Sea of Galilee
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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No wonder the multitude that followed Him was so great that at one time--thirty miles from here--they had to let a sick man down through the roof because no approach could be made to the door; no wonder His audiences were so great at Galilee that He had to preach from a ship removed a little distance from the shore; no wonder that even in the desert places about Bethsaida, five thousand invaded His solitude, and He had to feed them by a miracle or else see them suffer for their confiding faith and devotion; no wonder when there was a great commotion in a city in those days, one neighbor explained it to another in words to this effect: "They say that Jesus of Nazareth is come!"
If you are wondering what's so special about this find, well, it's believed that this Church was built over the house of Jesus' disciples Peter and Andrew in the ancient village of Bethsaida.
What Jesus intends to be a quiet time between him and the disciples is disrupted by the crowds that trail them behind to Bethsaida. They follow him, bringing along their sick relatives.
His mother, Bethsaida Brown, arrived in this country in 1958 as part of the exodus of Jamaicans actively encouraged fill job vacancies in the UK.
When the pensioner died, Shabba was placed in a children's home, cranking up Bethsaida's efforts to bring him to Birmingham.
Mark 8:22-26 has already narrated how a blind man was cured by Jesus in lakeside Bethsaida. People brought the blind man to Jesus requesting Him to touch the man.
Bethsaida Lopez, claiming to be a 'street educator,' asserted that internet games make its players become irresponsible as they would usually neglect their health for the games.
Born in Emanda village, Vihiga county, Jendeka, who is the Mama Region of Bethsaida ADC branch in Kangemi, Nairobi, got saved at the age of 13.
JERUSALEM * After a decades-long search, archaeologists may have discovered the city of Bethsaida, where the New Testament says Jesus' apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip lived.
Two other apostles -- Philip and Peter's brother Andrew -- are also believed to have been born or lived in Bethsaida.