Beni Hasan

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Beni Hasan

(ˈbɛnɪ hæˈsɑːn)
(Placename) a village in central Egypt, on the Nile, with cliff-cut tombs dating from 2000 bc
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References in periodicals archive ?
The itinerary of the two-day trip to the upper Egypt city includes tours of Amarna area, Beni Hasan and Tunah Al Jabal archaeological sites.
But, in the end, most of the ancient Egyptian cats, which had been discovered accidentally, and aptly, in catacombs at Beni Hasan, in Middle Egypt, were ground down and used as fertiliser.
"This discovery outside the town of Beni Hasan had eighty thousand cat mummies, dating to 2000-1000 BC."
As a result, it''s now possible to sail the Cairo-Luxor stretch, and many cruise ships are beginning to reclaim this route, allowing visitors to see lesser-known sights like Beni Hasan and the Temple of Dendera.
Initially Charlie finds himself in Beni Hasan (a well documented Egyptian excavation site) circa 1906.