Belgian Malinois

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Belgian Mal·in·ois

A sheepdog of a breed developed in Mechelen, Belgium, having a short-haired yellowish to reddish-brown coat with black markings.

[French malinois, of Mechelen, from Malines, French name of Mechelen.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Bel′gian Ma•li•nois

(ˌmæl ənˈwɑ)
one of a Belgian breed of sheepherding dogs with a short, thick, black-tipped brown coat, a black mask, and erect ears.
[1965–70; < French malinois of Malines]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
'Only 13 K9s were adopted, as the two Belgian Malinois are not fit for adoption for their aggressive behavior,' it also said.
Of the 103 samples, 3 (2.9%), obtained from dog 16, a German shepherd; dog 22, a Belgian Malinois; and dog 56, a German shepherd were positive for the small (S [346 bp]), medium (M [859 bp]), and L (large [1,165 bp]) segments of SFTSV by reverse transcription PCR (the L segment of dog 16 was not amplified).
According to the department, Buddy, a Belgian Malinois, showed interest in a package from the UK which was later found to contain cannabidiol with turmeric.
"It's such a cruel way to treat animals that have given so much." The row comes after another hero dog, a Belgian malinois named Mali, was awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross last month for identifying Taliban bombs in Afghanistan.
What name is given to the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross awarded to Mali the Belgian Malinois for sniffing out explosives and insurgent fighters in Afghanistan?
Mali the Belgian Malinois was deployed to the war-torn country in 2012 and took part in an assault by British troops to secure a key enemy stronghold that was situated in a multi-storey building.
Edward Casas was boating on the lake Sunday with his wife, Kristin, and the family dog, a 10-month old Belgian Malinois (MAL'-ehn-wah) named Rylee.
M AIL T ODAY was the first to report that the two- anda- half- year- old specially trained Belgian Malinois was recommended for gallantry award.
Belgian Malinois Cairo's most famous exploit was leading the US Navy Seals on their raid on Bin Laden's lair in 2011.
The preferred MWD breeds are the German shepherd and the Belgian Malinois. However, the military boasts a wide range of MWDs, including Labrador retrievers, boxers, Doberman pinschers, and rottweilers.
The honor, presented by the UK charity People's Dispensory for Sick Animals, was bestowed upon K-9 Killer, a Belgian Malinois, and his handler Amos Mzimba, in recognition of their dedication to and success in tracking and capturing poachers, despite the risk to their own lives.
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