Bayou State

Bay´ou State`

1.Mississippi; - a nickname, from its numerous bayous.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
A family-owned ABC affiliate in the Bayou State has learned this the hard way, as it had been faced with a possible monetary forfeiture.
All of that after giving the crowd a real Louisiana bayou Cajun work-over in a fiery duet with Powell who is from the Bayou state. With a deep well of American roots music to dip into, Rhiannon Giddens is destined to be very big indeed.
Higher education in the Bayou State has endured at least fourteen midyear budget cuts as well as end-of-year cuts, and while most of the other states' higher education systems are recovering nicely from the 2008 recession, Louisiana still lags behind.
State officials have warned that without major restoration projects in place, the Bayou State could lose another 1,750 square miles during this century.
The crisis was particularly devastating in light of the approaching 11th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which slammed the Bayou State in late August of 2005.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune reported last week that there were Syrian refugees in the Bayou State - 14 to be exact.
The Bayou State even bested California in certain respects, hosting a whopping 18 of the studio films released in 2013, while the Golden State had just 15.
Science education activist and Americans United ally Zack Kopplin found that some Bayou State educators are doing all they can--including skirting the law--to force fundamentalist dogma into science classes.
Led by former Confederate States of America general officers, the old Eagle State--that became the Bayou State after the war and is now known as the Magnolia State--began to rebuild and renew.