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(formerly) abbreviation for
(Aeronautics) British Overseas Airways Corporation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He yesterday recalled those early days of aviation when BOAC and Qantas were the main operators through Bahrain Airport.
According to Napocor, these projects in Marinduque will ensure the safe and reliable transmission of power from Boac to the Torrijos load end substation.
Following a Government review, Imperial Airways and British Airways were nationalised in 1939 to form British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC).
De Leon 15, Boac 10, Diaz 10, Colomot 7, Rublico 5, Mienlam 5, Ibarra 4, Tenedero 3, J.
The BOAC 747's appearance at the air show is one of a number of centenary initiatives organised by British Airways that are designed to look ahead to the next 100 years of aviation.
BOAC operated from 1940 to 1974, when it merged with British European Airways (BEA) to form BA.
The City of Swansea is the second BA plane to get the centenary retro look - the first was a jumbo painted in BOAC colours, while the third is an Airbus 319 in the BEA livery which is expected to enter service next week.
Fresh from the paint bay at Dublin Airport, the BOAC Boeing 747 flew directly to Heathrow on February 18.
The airline reported that'Golf Charlie' will retain its BOAC colours until its planned retirement in 2023.
The livery from the 1964 to 1974 BOAC era will adorn a B747, reg: G-BYGC.