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Related to BBFC: BBC, CBFC, Pegi, NBFC


abbreviation for
(Film) British Board of Film Classification
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A statement from the BBFC,The Sunreports, said: "The BBFC will issue preliminary notifications to a non-compliant site before taking any enforcement action against them."
The streaming service will use the BBFC ratings on all of it's films and shows, with examples of classifications being U, PG and 18.
#MeToo Media Merseyside officially begins in May, with funding support from the BBFC.
According to the BBFC website, public consultation - involving more than 10,000 people - showed that young people and parents want to see an increase in classification guidance, particularly around online content, as well as more consistency across all platforms, with 97 per cent of people saying they benefit from age ratings being in place.
The research team will raise its findings with Lime Pictures - the production company behind Geordie Shore - as well as MTV, Ofcom and the BBFC. It would like to see clearer alcohol warnings, the removal of all branding and adult age classifications.
The BBFC, which is the official body responsible for the national classification and censorship of films showcased in cinemas in the UK, announced Padmavati 's release date on its official website and social media platform, with a runtime of 164 minutes.
Fans were also disturbed by a torture scene, with the BBFC writing in its annual report: "Although the idea is unpleasant there is limited detail depicted.
What's more, the BBFC requires filmmakers to pay for this mandatory exercise in classification.
The Prime Minister unveiled a pilot scheme with YouTube and the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) as he pledged to put strengthening families at the heart of everything the Government does.