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(ˈæzreɪl; -rɪəl)
1. (Judaism) (in Jewish and Islamic angelology) the angel who separates the soul from the body at death
2. (Islam) (in Jewish and Islamic angelology) the angel who separates the soul from the body at death
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I am faint, And much I fear me ill- it will not do To die ere I have lived!- Stay, stay thy hand, O Azrael, yet awhile!- Prince of the Powers Of Darkness and the Tomb, O pity me!
(y) In addition to very slick propaganda--including the development of the celebrity fighter Abu Azrael, who carries a samurai sword (z) and boasts of spit-roasting Islamic State captives (115)--Kata'ib Al-Imam Ali has the same dispersed training and advising presence at many strategic points as KH.
When the Holy Prophet (PHUB) asked the name of that angel from Gabriel, he answered that, 'this is Malik, guard of the hell and has never smiled and his wrath on the enemies of God and sinners is being increased incessantly.' The Holy Prophet (PHUB) then asked Gabriel to show him the hell and when he opened its cap, a flame rose out of it which filled the air.There, the Holy Prophet (PHUB) also met Malak al-Mawt (Azrael or 'Izra'il, the Archangel of Death) who was holding a tablet of light in his hand and after he had a conversation with the Holy Prophet (PHUB), said, 'all the world in my hand is like a coin in the hand of a man and he flips it.
The plaintiffs, which include Davis' children and estate, are represented by attorneys from Azrael, Franz, Schwab & Lipowitz LLC in Towson.
Victims of cyberbullying have higher suicide attempts, are more likely to be depressed, have lower academic performances in school, and are more likely to be victims of bullying in the school setting (CDC, 2017a; Hepburn, Azrael, Molnar, & Miller, 2011; Schneider et al., 2012; Waasdorp & Bradshaw, 2015).
2-"Naeb Azrael" by Youssef Al Seba'i This novel, although bold and courageous, has also been banned from production.
Rescued by Rhadamanthus, chief Steward of Hades and his advisor, the cat-like Azrael, Persephone and the others investigate to find out what Hades plans and how Persephone and her cursed condition play into them.