
(redirected from Armalites)


(Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) trademark a lightweight high-velocity rifle of various calibres, capable of automatic and semiautomatic operation
[C20: from Armalite Division, Fairchild Engine and Airplane Company, manufacturers]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The earliest Armalites, the prototypes, were an impossibility to build unless you went to a custom shop, like Retro Arms Works or Nodak Spud, and acquired hand-made or limited-run parts.
Seized during the raid were four baby armalites; one sniper rifle; five MK2 grenades; a 9mm submachine gun; one .22-caliber pistol; and an assortment of bullets and magazines.
The firefight lasted for about 10 minutes, which resulted in the arrest of two suspected rebels and recovery of two M653 baby armalites, an M203 grenade launcher and various documents.
Many of the crimes linked to the weapons, which include a Sten submachinegun and Armalites, remain unsolved.
I haven't had problems with my big guns (they are not ArmaLites so I don't call them AR-10s) extracting.
Mr Geller will spend several weeks visiting bunkers in unspecified locations in the Republic, where he will gently rub the barrels of hundreds of Armalites and Kalashnikovs until they are bent out of shape.
They were most positive about the anti-landmines movement and campaign against the arms trade, especially small arms, saying that Armalites and Kalashnikovs killed more people than bombs.
They also faced it, as a bunch of Armalites made it to Ireland, used by the Provisional IRA.
Is it necessary for Colonel Jamias to make rounds with policemen carrying armalites?)
4s all the way up to FNCs and Armalites. The 110 photos profusely illustrate the subject, but the reproduction quality leaves a little to be desired.
That bitter legacy must follow the Armalites into the dustbin of history.
IN LINE with Sinn Fein's smooth transition from Armalites to Italian-styled Armani suits, the current Belfast IRA boss, charged with ensuring that the ceasefire is broken only by punishment shoot-ings, has acquired a cool, clean-lined Italian scooter as a local run-around.