Arab street

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Arab street

(Sociology) informal public opinion in the Arab world
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Arab Street -- an area that includes Bussorah Street, Haji and Bali Lanes and Muscat Street -- is a hub for hipsters, vivid murals, Persian rug stores, shisha bars, perfumeries and textile shops, as well as being home to the distinctive golden domes of the Sultan Mosque.
On the other hand, the Palestine question once raised passionately by the Arab street is being pushed to the margins by Arab rulers.
Saeed Al Eter, assistant secretary-general of the Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, said that the positive response from the Arab street to the initiative reaffirms that Shaikh Mohammad's message of hope was received and is now bearing fruit, to an extent that embodies Shaikh Mohammad's vision to consolidate a culture of giving and spreading hope in the Arab world.
"Shame on the Lebanese army that meets Israeli army officers at a time when the Arab street rumbles about Jerusalem.
Al-Salmi said in a statement late Wednesday that members of the Arab Parliament will issue a statement to reflect the "pulse of the Arab street," following this "dangerous" decision by the US administration.
Khreis's remarks came during a meeting with Deputy Speaker of the People's Assembly Najdat Anzour, he hailed the wisdom and leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and said "I think he will come up declaring victory, and then not only the Arab street, but also the whole world will know the reality of what happened since the first day of the crisis, and that what he said about Syria facing terrorism has been morally and legally proven.
The source of this predictable, presidential tango is the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy act, which stipulates the US Embassy must be moved to Jerusalem before May 31, 1999, unless the executive deems a delay "necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States." Since 1999, when the law's provisions came into effect, Presidents Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama all exercised their discretion to delay the move, either in deference to the peace process, or out of concern the move would spark a violent backlash from the "Arab street." From this perspective, President Trump's decision to defer fulfillment of this particular campaign pledge is not only conventional, but an indication of his commitment to put the safety of America and Americans first.
Rock-throwing and explosive-throwing is not rare, she says, and the frequency of their occurrence depends on the general atmosphere in the Arab street; when there is a Muslim holiday, incidents tend to rise in number, as they do when the subject of the Temple Mount is on the table.
Traffic will be diverted to Al Tamiyah Street and Al Arab Street until the work is completed towards the end of October.
Indeed, he went on Charlie Rose and said this was America's time to tell the Arab street to "suck on this."
Word on the Arab street is that this Jordanian ex-porn actress is trying to lead a normal life today by focusing on her husband and raising her newborn son.

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