

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Must I not serve a long apprenticehood To foreign passages, and in the end, Having my freedom, boast of nothing else But that I was a journeyman to grief?
AUGUSTINE PHILLIPS in 1605 left bequests to Shakespeare and others of his fellows in the King's Men, and |to James Sands, my apprentice, the some of fortye shillings, and a citterne, a bandore, and a lute, to be paid and delivered unto him at the expiration of his terme of yeres in his indenture of apprenticehood'.(1) William Sly, another King's Man, in 1608 left forty pounds to |James Sandes'(Collier, 157) and most of his estate to |Sisely Browne', who as Cicely Sands had married the actor Robert Browne at Shoreditch in 1593/4.(2) James was probably related to her and to the Jane Sands who married the actor Christopher Beeston in 1602 (N&Q, ccxxxvi.39).