Anwar Sadat

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Noun1.Anwar Sadat - Egyptian statesman who (as president of Egypt) negotiated a peace treaty with Menachem Begin (then prime minister of Israel) (1918-1981)Anwar Sadat - Egyptian statesman who (as president of Egypt) negotiated a peace treaty with Menachem Begin (then prime minister of Israel) (1918-1981)
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to NAB officials, Khadim Hussain was working as a front man of Anwar Sadat who is already facing cases of corruption.
Khadim Hussain has been involved in corrupt practices as front man of former Chairman BDA Anwar Sadat and both have embezzled millions of rupees from national exchequer.
Egypt's former President Anwar Sadat gets a haircut from Mahmoud Labib.
The widow of Anwar Sadat, Jihan Sadat, cast on Saturday her ballot in the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Dokki, Giza - Press Photo CAIRO - 20 April 2019: The widow of Anwar Sadat, Jihan Sadat, cast on Saturday her ballot in the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Dokki, Giza.
1977: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said he would not allow a single inch of Arab land to remain under Israeli occupation.
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Abdullah Gul said, 'Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's objectives were to recover all Arab territory under Israeli forces' control.'
The son-in-law to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and close aid to his successor Anwar Sadat, spied for Israel in the lead up to 1973's Yom Kippur War, and provided warning of the imminent Arab attack.
Congress legislators Anwar Sadat and VD Sateeshan insisted that there should be no forcible move to close the relief camps.
Plus, easels have been mounted in the middle of the hall to accommodate the works of these six prolific painters, namely Paolo Akiiki, Anwar Sadat Nakibinge, Jude Kasagga, Saad Lukwago, Ronnie Tindi and Sebandeke.Saad Lukwago with his Msafiri piece.
At the Anwar Sadat School, an ambulance arrived carrying a senior citizen who was carried into the polling station on a stretcher.