

Medieval Latin as used in England.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈæŋ gloʊˈlæt n)

Medieval Latin as used in England. Abbr.: AL
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Among their topics are treasonous and dishonorable conduct: the private dimension of treason and chivalric reform in late medieval Florence, royal punishment and reconciliation in Trastamara Castile, blessed betrayal: the opportunity of treachery in Anglo-Latin ecclesiastical texts, treacherous women at King Arthur's court: punishment and shame, and the spatial configuration of shame in La Princesse de Cleves.
I have collected the lexemes denoting 'Greek' and their derivatives in AngloLatin and Old English from four corpora: the Dictionary of Old English Web Corpus (DOEC, for Old English), Brepolis Library of Latin Texts--Series A (LLT-A), and Medieval Latin from Anglo-Saxon Sources (for Anglo-Latin).
Henry of Avranches was one of the first real professional Latin poets of the medieval period, and has been acclaimed as the foremost Anglo-Latin poet of the thirteenth century.
Seven chapters deal with Anglo-Latin. Andrew Taylor discusses John Leland both as a writer of epigrams in the European tradition and as one of the early humanist Latin poets of sixteenth-century England.
Where Symphosius and the Anglo-Latin riddlers do little to exploit the association between writing technology and prosopopoeia, the Old English riddles fasten upon this idea of writing as a material voice and present it repeatedly in the act of speaking.
167-566) is a comprehensive edition of all sixty Old English prognostics (eleven of which are running glosses of Latin originals), supplemented by a representative selection of 114 Anglo-Latin texts.
McFadden sees Tolkien's treatment of the Swertings in light of "depictions of the sigelwara, or Ethiopians, in Anglo-Latin and Old English literature" (156).
Finally comes parody of the encomium urbis in the Anglo-Latin Stores of the Cities (pp.
The threat to masculine identity, as Emma Petit argues, using Aldhelm of Malmesbury's Anglo-Latin treatises, was heightened by entry into the monastic life.
Instead, he wants to align Argentina with Brazil and Mexico, which he visits later this week, in a common Anglo-Latin American front to carry the banner for economic liberalisation.