Androscoggin River

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An·dros·cog·gin River

A river of northeast New Hampshire and southwest Maine flowing about 270 km (170 mi) to the Kennebec River near the Maine coast.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The ribbon was cut May 11 on a long-awaited $7 million infrastructure improvement project along the Androscoggin River in Berlin.
30 November 2016 - New Jersey-based hydroelectric generating facilities owner/operator Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLC has acquired Brown Bear II Hydro Holdings, LLC, which owns the Lisbon Falls, Maine-based Androscoggin River 19mw run-of-river hydroelectric generating facility Worumbo Hydroelectric, the company said.
Abutting the Androscoggin River, the 4.6-acre Superfund site was the location of a chlor-alkali plant that used mercury cells to generate chlorine gas for the bleaching process at the pulp mill.
Readers will quickly discern that Anderson, a native of Maine who grew up in a village on the Androscoggin River, knows the area and the people she writes about.
Silent roads meandered through the trees in their full autumn regalia, and past secluded lakes shimmering Bethel, a small mountain village at the side of the Androscoggin River and the base of Paradise Hill.
My destination was Bethel, a small mountain village at the side of the Androscoggin River and the base of Paradise Hill.
Natural Assets: Elevation: 665 feet; White Mountains, Grafton Loop Trail for hiking, Androscoggin River for great fishing and paddling.
"The residents of the Androscoggin River Valley have gone more than five generations without being able to use the river due to pollution from the upstream paper mills and the impoundment of its waters.
The kids' eyes bulge as a bridge takes us across the Androscoggin River, and then slips into an underground tunnel, below the state highway.
The woods have been industrial timberland for over a century, including the colorful era when logs were floated through town on the Androscoggin River to sawmills downstream.
In Maine last week, I did discover that the twinned cities of Lewiston and Auburn, facing each other across the Androscoggin River, have hit on close collaboration as a way to rebuild economies devastated by the loss of textile and shoe factories.