Affair of honor

a dispute to be decided by a duel, or the duel itself.

See also: Honor

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Some ten years after this event, when civilization and its refinements had crept, or rather rushed, into the settlements among these wild hills, an affair of honor occurred, and Elnathan was seen to apply a salve to the wound received by one of the parties, which had the flavor that was peculiar to the tree, or root, that Mohegan had used.
The mendacious captain was perfectly well aware that an affair of honor always makes a man stand well in the eyes of a woman.
Police launched an investigation into the incident , which is believed to be due to affair of honor.
The Duc de Valmassigues, an old cide-vant of the ancien regime, sums up this Grand Guignol "affair of honor:" "What horrible perversion of manliness!
Beginning with an introduction outlining the features of Nabokov's writing that make it so well suited for adaptation, the work examines Kubrick's Lolita and Tony Richardson's Laughter in the Dark as well as a variety of other director's renditions of King, Queen, Knave, Despair, Mademoiselle O, An Affair of Honor, The Luzhin Defense and The Assistant Producer.
THE AFFAIR OF HONOR that began on Saturday, October 20, 1883, at a baseball game in Burke County, Georgia, continued the following afternoon at Hardscrabble Church near McBean.
Hughes notes that though Renaissance Italians had more or less invented the relationship between an orderly duel and an affair of honor between noblemen, it was the French who kept dueling traditions alive through the eighteenth century and who then invented their modern forms when the armies of Napoleon threw together European men from varied nations, religions, and classes.
New Court partisans charged that Sharp's murder, in addition to an affair of honor, constituted a political assassination.
On a hot Tennessee night in August 1953, Charles Alexander's life is forever changed when he witnesses a murder in Richard Marius' new novel, An Affair of Honor. The killer is Hope Kirby, a decorated veteran of World War II who first kills his wife, Abby, then executes her lover, Kelly Parmalee, nearly in front of Charles.
The "affair of honor," like honor itself, to a greater or lesser extent, is one of those features of the historical landscape--like monasticism or monarchy, the Crusades or the Inquisition, slavery or the subordination of women--that we simply accept (often by condemning them), because they seem so impossible to understand.
In addition to the 1966 title essay, the volume presents Jonah's Sign: On the Very Large and the Very Small in Literature; Politeness, an Affair of Honor; Politeness and Sincerity; and The Style Is the Man Is the Devil.