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1. (Bible) the Devil (Revelation 9:11)
2. (Bible) (in rabbinical literature) a part of Gehenna; Hell
[Hebrew: literally, destruction]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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For proof, ere this thou feel'st Thy wound (yet not thy last and deadliest wound) By this repulse received, and hold'st in Hell No triumph; in all her gates Abaddon rues Thy bold attempt.
J.Kris, Abaddon and Shanti Dope (Director: JC Echanes)
Blaze N Kane started the show with their fast-paced rap similar to Bone Thugs, while Shanti Dope represented the millennials as he sang his hits "Nadarang" and "Shanti Dope." Gloc-9 also performed his collaboration song "Norem" with rappers Abaddon, J Kris and Shanti Dope.
There have been multiple member changes over the years, and now there are two Venoms touring: one with Cronos, the original singer, and Venom Inc., with the original drummer Abaddon, original guitarist Mantas and bass player Demolition Man, who joined Venom in the 1980s.
If it's GammaPOS, Abaddon, Dexter or other variations of malware designed to steal clear data in memory from POS applications, resulting in the loss of magstripe data, EMV card data or other sensitive data exposed at the point of sale, the attackers get only useless encrypted data.
Follow up books include Caliban's War, Abaddon's Gate, and the 2015 release, Nemesis Gate.
Blameless in Abaddon gives you a crash course in our flailing, futile attempts to reconcile an all-good God with the evil in the world.
6 and 11); in the latter verse they are also referred to as refa'im, "shades." In verse 12 "grave" is parallel to Abaddon (which, as NJPS renders it, is the "place of perdition").