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(in Britain) abbreviation for
(Military) Air Vice-Marshal
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The embassy of Pakistan in Ankara deeply appreciated these gestures of the Turkish government and Atakule AVM to commemorate the National Day of Pakistan.
Speaking at the event, the outgoing AVM Bekoe recounted many of the success stories he has achieved after three years in active service as commander of the GAF both operational and administrative roles.
The study examined thousands of owners' estimates provided during a Census Bureau consumer survey in 2014 with AVM estimates on their homes from the same time period provided by a commercial vendor.
Although uterine AVM is uncommon, it can cause irregular uterine bleeding and even can provoke massive life-threatening uterine hemorrhaging; approximately 30% of patients require blood transfusions.[2] Due to the dangerous conditions, promptly diagnosing and treating of uterine AVM are necessary.
The Director of Public Relations and Information Air Vice Marshal Olatokunbo Adesanya in a statement said the newly appointed Branch Chiefs include AVM Charles Otegbade, who was the Director of Plans at HQ NAF and is now the Chief of Communications and Information Systems (CCIS).
They can be well-demarcated and localised or they can be the stigmata of deep lesions.4 Various names being used to describe the vascular malformations of the scalp include aneurysm cirsoide, aneurysma serpentinum, aneurysm racemosum, plexiform angioma, arteriovenous fistula and arteriovenous malformation.5 AVM of the scalp is a rare lesion when compared with other subcutaneous or cervicofacial vascular anomalies such as the hemangioma or venous malformations.6 The feeder vessels of scalp AVM mainly arise from subcutaneous tissue of the scalp and the sources of the feeder arteries most frequently include the external carotid, occipital and supraorbital arteries.
Airport Valet Express will be using the new AVM vehicles to shuttle customers to and from their homes and Airport Valet Express' welcoming terminal lounge.
This revealed a previously undiagnosed mixed intra- and perimedullary spinal cord AVM at T8 with surrounding spinal cord oedema from T6-T11 (see Figure 1(a)).
The aim of our research was to show anatomic features that are predictors of AVM rupture and hemorrhage by use of MDCT angiography techniques.
Unlike other AVM applications in the market, VeroPRECISION can intelligently distinguish if an AVM is the suitable valuation tool.