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abbreviation for
(Communications & Information) Automatic Number Plate Recognition: a surveillance technology which uses optical character recognition on camera images to read a vehicle's numberplate
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Assistant Chief Constable |Paul Kennedy in the ANPR Hub, above, and Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan, inset top right
Unlike traditional ANPR cameras which are 'hardwired',' the new 3G cameras are flexible and can be moved around easily to cover 'hot spot' areas.
ANPR cameras are normally used by police to track down criminals.
'You say CCTV with ANPR is spying and an invasion of privacy.
A report concluded that it is impossible to say whether the use of ANPR would have prevented Ashleigh's death.
The ANPR cameras feature digital optical character recognition cameras so officers can easily locate skewed or partial number.
"ANPR technology means we can identify people wanted for a whole range of offences, from possession of drugs to benefit fraud and disqualified drivers."
Chief Superintendent Jon Ward said: "Merseyside police is committed to using the latest ANPR technology to target criminals using our roads.
The ANPR document discusses various modifications to the U.S.
'ANPR offers a highly visible and effective form of policing,' she said.
Magistrates have supported the move, although higher detection rates by the ANPR systems, which checks number plates against a data base of insurance records, could end up increasing their workloads.
Dyfed-Powys Police ran a survey to canvas public opinion on thee use of ANPR. It said its aim was to give local communities, as well as those who travel through the region, a chance to voice their views and understanding of how it is used.