
creating Software

  • 21 members
  • 2 posts
  • $29.29/month

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Hey I like it, keep it up
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If you like what I'm doing and want to monetarily nod your head to me
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Keep the servers up and running
 / month
The servers help people in the world with slow and/or expensive bandwidth. Help keep these servers up and fast.
Browsh is important
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If you think Browsh is an important tool contributing to a better Internet, inspire me to dig deep and craft it to perfection.
Focus on Browsh
 / month
If you think I should be working on Browsh full-time, I have a modest life-style, and you can make it a reality that Browsh becomes my job.
Give Browsh wings
 / month
Help make Browsh flourish and become everything it can be. There are so many speed improvements, features, UX tweaks and experiments that can be made. You'd be helping make those take off. 
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