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Available templates for dotnet new

YuliiaKovalova edited this page May 17, 2023 · 120 revisions

To search for the templates available on, use dotnet new search.

    dotnet new search web
    dotnet new search azure --type project
    dotnet new search azure --author Microsoft

To ensure that the template package appears in dotnet new search result, set the NuGet package type to Template.

Note: In order to show templates preinstalled with SDK and installed manually run the dotnet new list.

    dotnet new list
    dotnet new list --author Microsoft
    dotnet new list web
    dotnet new list web --type project

Below is a list of selected templates which are available for use with dotnet new:

C# Templates

Name Quick Install
.NET Boxed dotnet new install "Boxed.Templates"
Auth0 Templates dotnet new install Auth0.Templates::2.0.0"
AWS Lambda .NET Core Templates dotnet new install "Amazon.Lambda.Templates"
Avalonia UI Templates - Avalonia is a framework for creating cross platform UI dotnet new install "Avalonia.Templates"
Blazor - Full stack web development with C# and WebAssembly dotnet new install "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::3.0.0-*"
Cake.Frosting dotnet new install "Cake.Frosting.Template"
Carter - Carter is a library that allows Nancy-esque routing for use with ASP.Net Core. dotnet new install "CarterTemplate"
CleanBlazor - Minimal Blazor projects. Standard Blazor project templates minus any boilerplate assets (e.g. Bootstrap, Counter.razor, etc.) dotnet new install "FriscoVInc.DotNet.Templates.CleanBlazor"
cloudscribe dotnet new install "cloudscribe.templates"
DotVVM - Open source MVVM framework for line of business web applications dotnet new install "DotVVM.Templates"
Eto.Forms dotnet new install "Eto.Forms.Templates"
GCC.Build - C/C++/CPP/VCXPROJ Build Template using GCC/G++/EMCC or your favorate compiler dotnet new install GCC.Build.Template
Geco - C# 6 Interpolated strings based Code Generator dotnet new install "iQuarc.Geco.CSharp"
GtkSharp dotnet new install "GtkSharp.Template.CSharp"
IdentityServer4.Templates dotnet new install "identityserver4.templates"
Kentico Cloud Boilerplate dotnet new install "KenticoCloud.CloudBoilerplateNet"
MonoGame (.NET Core) dotnet new install "MonoGame.Templates.CSharp"
MSBuild extension dotnet new install "MSBuildExtensionTemplate"
MvxScaffolding Templates - MvvmCross Xamarin native and Xamarin Forms templates. dotnet new install "MvxScaffolding.Templates"
NancyFX Template not on
NSpec Templates dotnet new install "dotnet-new-nspec"
NUnit 3 Test Project Template dotnet new install "NUnit3.DotNetNew.Template"
Paulovich.Caju - .NET applications with Event Sourcing, Hexagonal or Clean Architectures styles dotnet new install "Paulovich.Caju"
Paulovich.Manga - Clean Architecture for .NET Applications! dotnet new install "Paulovich.Manga"
Particular Templates - Templates targeting NServiceBus and other tools and libraries from Particular Software dotnet new install "ParticularTemplates"
Pioneer Console Boilerplate - Boilerplated .NET Core console application that includes dependency injection, logging and configuration. dotnet new install "Pioneer.Console.Boilerplate"
PowerShell Core dotnet new install "FiftyProtons.Templates.PSCore"
Prism Forms QuickStarts - Empty & QuickStart project Templates for Prism for Xamarin Forms. Requires dotnet cli 2.0 pre3+ dotnet new install "Prism.Forms.QuickstartTemplates"
Raspberry Pi 3 - C# template for .NET Core 2 IoT applications. dotnet new install "RaspberryPi.Template"
ServiceStack dotnet new install "ServiceStack.Core.Templates"
SpecFlow.Templates.DotNet - A project template for creating executable specifications with SpecFlow. You can choose from different .NET frameworks and test frameworks. dotnet new install "SpecFlow.Templates.DotNet"
Template templates - Templates to create new project and item templates. Requires new3. dotnet new install "FiftyProtons.Templates.DotNetNew"
Zahasoft Templates dotnet new install "Zahasoft.Skele"
ASP.NET Core Web API (extended) dotnet new install "Popov1024.HttpApi.Template.CSharp"
ASP.NET Core Web API for AKS - A template for creating a fully-featured, 12 Factor, ASP.NET Core Web API for AKS dotnet new install "RobBell.AksApi.Template"
HoNoSoFt.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates (VueJs + Picnic CSS) dotnet new install "HoNoSoFt.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates"
xUnit Test Template - Adds a xUnit test file to an existing test project. dotnet new install GatewayProgrammingSchool.xUnit.CSharp
RocketMod Plugin Templates RocketMod is a plugin framework for .NET based games. This template allows to quickly get started with a new RocketMod Plugin. dotnet new install "Rocket.Templates"
EISK Web Api - ASP.NET Core templates with simple use cases to build scalable web api with architectural best practices (DDD, Onion Architecture etc). dotnet new install "eisk.webapi"
OpenMod Plugin Templates - OpenMod is .NET plugin framework. These templates allow user to quickly get started with a new OpenMod Plugin. dotnet new install "OpenMod.Templates"

F# Templates

Name Quick Install
ASP.NET Core WebAPI F# Template dotnet new install "WebAPI.FSharp.Template"
Bolero: F# in WebAssembly dotnet new install Bolero.Templates
Eto.Forms dotnet new install "Eto.Forms.Templates"
Expecto Template dotnet new install "Expecto.Template"
F# TypeProvider Template dotnet new install FSharp.TypeProviders.Templates
Fable-elmish dotnet new install "Fable.Template.Elmish.React"
Fable, F# |> Babel dotnet new install "Fable.Template"
Fable Library - F# Template for creating and publishing Fable libraries dotnet new install "Fable.Template.Library"
Fabulous for Xamarin.Forms dotnet new install Fabulous.XamarinForms.Templates
Freya dotnet new install "Freya.Template"
Giraffe Template dotnet new install "giraffe-template"
GtkSharp dotnet new install "GtkSharp.Template.FSharp"
Interstellar dotnet new install "Interstellar.Template"
MiniScaffold - F# Template for creating and publishing libraries targeting .NET Full (net45) and Core (netstandard1.6) dotnet new install "MiniScaffold"
NancyFx dotnet new install "NancyFx.Core.Template"
SAFE Template dotnet new install "SAFE.Template"
vbfox's F# Templates dotnet new install "BlackFox.DotnetNew.FSharpTemplates"
WebSharper dotnet new install "WebSharper.Templates"

VBNet Templates

Name Quick Install
GtkSharp dotnet new install "GtkSharp.Template.VBNet"
InteXX Assorted Templates dotnet new install "Intexx.Templates"