Bloglet and FeedBlitz Comparison

You may have heard of - or even be using - Bloglet, perhaps the best known "blogmail" alternative to FeedBlitz. Bloglet has widely reported reliability problems, doesn't work with FeedBurner, and also fails to deliver multiple feeds for a single user. As for support, emails to its founder bounce, and no news has been posted there since March of 2004. The lights are on (well, maybe), but nobody's home.

Compare FeedBlitz to Bloglet and see how FeedBlitz delivers much greater value and more flexibility than Bloglet. Then upgrade or signup now. FeedBlitz even has an import function to convert your Bloglet feeds and subscribers to FeedBlitz with next to no effort from you!

Post detail in email
Subscriber counts
Enable / Disable feed
Text or HTML format
Anonymous subscriptions
Blog template and web site HTML code generator
Option to limit mailed post length
Reader unsubscribe facility
Customize email HTML
Actively supported
On-demand mailing
Subscriber Management
Video blog and podcast compatible
Bloglet import capability
Easy to read
Blog titles in posts
Supports Google AdSense for Feeds
FeedBurner compatible
Atom 0.3 and 1.0 support
Full RSS support
Flexible XML date format handling
Third party user ID and passwords NOT required
Test email capability
Circulation metrics
Interactive preview
Individual feed and global unsubscribe options
Unicode UTF-8 and international encoding
Real-time notification emails to publishers
Does NOT post draft entries
HTML web page monitoring
Deliverability reports
SSL secure login

There's No Comparison - Sign up today

Make no mistake. FeedBlitz is a professional-grade blog mail service. We intend to make a profit with our upcoming premium service offerings. And to make money we have to give you and your readers reliable service, quality solutions and total support.

Don't risk your readership and your reputation. Try our easy to use, no-cost service now.

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